
Iris Axon Concert Series at Acton Hill Church

The final concert in the season will be on Sunday July 7th at 4pm, and will feature performances by flautist Joanna Kacperek and pianist Susie Gibbons. They will be playing works by Clara Schumann, Richard Strauss, Roger Quilter, Giacomo Puccini and Brahms’ Theme & Variations Op. 18b.

Admission is by programme at the door: adults £6, concessions £5 and children £2 (cash only).


Circuit End of Year Service

This will be on Sunday 21st July 2024 at 4.30pm, at Greenford Methodist Church.

We start with the Circuit Service, Circuit Awards and farewell to Rev Rachel Bending, and will follow with a meal and a barn dance.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training

Many people have now completed the online training course. If you haven’t, please consider doing so. The course can be accessed on the Methodist Church website.


Job Vacancies - Wembley Circuit 

Ealing Road Methodist Church is looking for an Administrator to efficiently manage its office and records, oversee premises bookings and provide administrative support to the Minister and the church.

Hours: 15 hours per week

Sudbury Methodist Church are also looking for an Administrator, for 20 hours a week, and there would be the possibility of combining both of these roles.

The closing date for both jobs is 28 June 2024. For details contact Sophia Odoom at


Iris Axon Concert Series at Acton Hill Church   (30/05/24)

The penultimate concert in the season will be on Sunday 2nd June at 4pm, and will feature performances by flautist Karen Wong and pianist Lance Mok. They will be playing works by Boulanger, Poulenc and Ravel.

Admission is by programme at the door: adults £6, concessions £5 and children £2 (cash only).


New Circuit Manager Appointed   (23/04/24)
As most of you will know, Gerald Barton is retiring as Circuit Administrator after many years of service and his final day will be today (23rd April). We are pleased to announce that the HR Committee has successfully appointed a new Circuit Manager, Andy Brierley who will start on Wednesday 1st May. Please give Andy some time to settle in when he starts and we wish him well in his new position

New People New Places   (22/02/24)
Click here to read the latest New People New Places update from the Methodist Church.


Circuit Lent Challenge: Can you help us reach our target?   (13/02/24)
The Methodist Church believes that being Christian means:

  • Celebrating God who made each person in God’s own image
  • Being disciples of Jesus who treated each person with dignity
  • Rejoicing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to all people

This Lent we are challenging ourselves as a Circuit to have as many of us as possible complete the Methodist Church’s Mandatory Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training. We’re asking all churches to encourage as many people as possible to complete the excellent online training, to gather the information of who has done so and send it to me.

What proportion of your church officers and others will complete the training this Lent?  

If you pass on to me the details of those who have completed it I’ll send regular updates of how we’re doing. It would be great to see the numbers grow and be encouraged by all of your commitment to be a loving, welcoming, justice seeking church.

The link to the training is here:  and also at:

In July, at our Circuit Service we will have an awards ceremony to celebrate our achievements both in completing the training and in many other aspects of our life together.

You can also find more information and resources at

I hope you will join us in this important part of our faith and discipleship

With every blessing,


‘A Methodist Way of Life’ Service Outlines   (30/01/24)
Local Arrangement coming up? Need some ideas?

A new series of service outlines has been released to help embed ‘A Methodist Way of Life’ in your church and community. Filled with notes for a talk or sermon; creative activities and discussion questions for all ages; and all in editable Word documents so you can pick and choose the bits that work for you and make it your own. PowerPoint slides featuring helpful images are also available. Click here to download the service outlines.

Lent 2024 - Unbounded Love   (30/01/24)
God's love doesn't stay in the lines

Charles Wesley's famous hymn Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Singing the Faith 503) talks about Jesus as ‘unbounded love’ – a kind of love that cannot be contained, that works in our lives and in our world to free us and heal us. Unbounded Love is the theme of the Lent campaign of the Methodist Church in 2024 – holding together our commitments to be a justice-seeking church, and a people who experience and proclaim the good news of God’s uncontainable love.

For individuals

Forty daily discipleship prompts, delivered straight to your email inbox every day of Lent, excluding Sundays. Daily emails will include Bible studies, creative activities and challenges to take an action.

For Churches

  • A poster to display outside your church during Lent, inviting passers-by to consider the message of Unbounded Love
  • Light-touch guidance for either Sunday services or small groups, lifting some of the themes and activities from the daily discipleship prompts
  • Social media content posted on the Methodist Church social media channels throughout Lent for you to share and engage with
  • Digital downloads for your own online channels

To find out more go to the Unbounded Love webpage


Rev Sue Male – Contact Details    (14/11/23)
Please note that Rev Sue Male has a new mobile number and a new e-mail address. From now on, please use these whenever you contact her:

Mobile:  07852 497070

A Message from Rev Rachel Bending    (29/08/23)

Dear Friends,

As you may already have heard, I have been nominated to be the next Chair of the Southampton District. If confirmed by their Synod in September I will take up my post in September 2024.

I continue to deeply value my ministry with you and will continue to do so until I leave next year. Your commitment to our churches and to the communities around them continues to be a joy. I am deeply grateful for my time spent with you all and am looking forward to all this next year with you will bring.

As you have been told our Circuit Stewards are working to create a profile for a Superintendent for the Circuit for the coming years and I know that you will join with me in praying for them and for the Circuit as they do so.

September 2024 will bring me fresh challenges in a new context and I strongly feel God’s call to this new chapter in my ministry. I value your prayers as I continue as your Superintendent for this year and as I prepare for what is to come.

Thank you all for all that you are and do.

With much love and prayers,


Rev Rachel Bending


Grief Kind   (09/05/23)
Grief Kind is a campaign organised by the Sue Ryder charity which provides palliative, neurological and bereavement support. Originally launched in August 2021, Grief Kind aims to help people support friends and family who are grieving. The Grief Kind web pages have lots of information and resources to help us support people who are grieving including useful advice on what to say (and not to say) to people and how to write cards when someone has died.

To find out more, go to the Grief Kind web pages on the Sue Ryder website.


Dying Matters Week   (09/05/23)
During Dying Matters Week people are encouraged to think and talk about the things that matter to them in relation to dying.

We are often reluctant to talk about these things because it’s not easy to do so. We may feel there is a stigma around grieving and a lack of understanding of what it means to be ill and what happens when we’re dying. This means that too many of us struggle to cope when faced with life’s inevitable challenges.

Dying Matters Week this year is 9th – 12th May. A helpful leaflet is available which highlights a number of things we might need to think about. Some of this is about what support might be available to people towards the end of their lives. In addition the leaflet also has pointers for all of us such as making a will, making a funeral plan, making your intentions clear about organ donation and making sure our loved ones know about our plans.,

Download the Dying Matters leaflet in English

Download the Dying Matters leaflet in Polish

Download the Dying Matters leaflet in Hindi

Mental Health Awareness Week   (09/05/23)
This year, Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 15th – 21st May and is focussing on anxiety, something that affects many of us at least at times. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues – in a recent survey looking at anxiety around personal finances a quarter of adults said they felt so anxious that it stopped them from doing the things they want to do some or all of the time. Six in ten adults feel this way, at least some of the time. On a positive note, anxiety can be made easier to manage.

You can find out more about anxiety by going to the Mental Health Awareness Week webpages.














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