In-touch Online Archive

Past articles from In-touch Online can be found on this page.

Ealing Churches Winter Nightshelter - an Update

Sue Garland from Kingsdown gives an update on the Ealing Churches Winter Nightshelter

Ealing Foodbank April - June: An Update

Ealing Foodbank April - June: An Update

Ealing Foodbank during the Pandemic

Sue Garland from Kingsdown describes how the Ealing Foodbank is working during the pandemic.

Farewell Messages from Rev Yemi Jaiyesimi and Deacon Lemia Nkwelah

Farewell Messages from Rev Yemi Jaiyesimi and Deacon Lemia Nkwelah

Hanwell's Virtual Coffee Mornings

Ray Garnett from Hanwell writes about running virtual coffee mornings.

My Journey So Far

Martin Kingsnorth from Hanwell writes about his faith journey

Spirituality through Photography

Ray Garnett from Hanwell writes about seeing spirituality through photography

The Other Church Closure

Gerald Barton, In-touch Editor reflects on an earlier closure of churches in England

The Other Church Closure - A Comment

The Other Church Closure - A Comment

What is a Minister in the Methodist Church?

Deacon Lemia Nkwelah outlines what a 'minister' is in the Methodist Church

Lent Challenge - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Lent Challenge - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Rev Rachel Bending Writes

Rev Rachel Bending writes

Rev Rachel Bending Writes

Rev Rachel Bending Writes

Rev Rachel Bending Writes

Rev Rachel Bending Writes

Greenford Methodist Church Coronation Celebration

Greenford Methodist Church Coronation Celebration

A Message from Catherine Whitehouse from Northolt - updated

A Message from Catherine Whitehouse from Northolt - updated

Christians Together in Central Ealing Climate Event and Zoom Study Groups

Christians Together in Central Ealing Climate Event and Zoom Study Groups

Newsletter June 2021

Newsletter June 2021

Whose Will be Done?

Whose Will be Done?

Rev Rachel Bending Writes

Rev Rachel Bending Writes

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